The Ram Inn, Tidworth pull out all the stops for Breakfast with Santa 2021.

My family and I had the pleasure of attending this years Breakfast with Santa and all I can say is it was magical. The Ram Inn went above and beyond what I could have imagined and really put in a lot right down to fine details that just made it so wonderful for the children.

The welcome sign.

As we arrived we were welcomed with a warm atmosphere and beautiful Christmas music playing in the background which straight away got the children excited. The tables were set out beautifully per family booking and well spaced out with peoples space and safety in mind which I found really thought out. Each child's space had a personal letter from Santa himself and we knew this as it had his very own seal on the back.

Letter from Santa
Santas very own seal.
Child's place setting

My children alone absolutely loved this. It really got them excited and my son said that it made him feel warm knowing Santa had taken time out of his busy schedule to write to the children. We had drink options available and very cleverly named to make the children laugh. Tea and coffee was also available for the adults.

Yummy Snot N Grinch Juice

The staff worked really hard as they brought out everyone's breakfast which was cooked beautifully and really filled our bellies as the portions were very generous. With our crackers pulled and our bellies full we were then shown over to the craft area where each child was able to make their very own snowball. This I was very impressed with.

Yummy Breakfast
My Son's handmade masterpiece.

The baubles made and back to our table for a cup of tea and juice and then those magical bells sounded and all the children stopped in their tracks as her appeared around the corner. A jolly smile, a big round belly and gifts for all the boy's and girl's. Santa took his seat after walking around and speaking to every single child and gave out gifts to each child and this was so special as he really spent time talking to the children and asking them what they wanted for Christmas. It was just wonderful. We can't thank The Ram and their staff enough as this really did start off our Christmas holidays the perfect way.

Santa Claus.